Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Speech Delivered at the Meeting of Military and Political Cadres of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army Held at Yaoyinggou March 27, 1935

The deliberation of the question of relinquishing guerrilla zones and advancing over wide areas was of great significance in strengthening the unity and solidarity of the revolutionary forces and further development of the anti-Japanese armed struggle. "Leftist" errors were made in the anti-"Minsaeng-dan" struggle and ways were pointed out to correct it. A proper struggle was to be maintained against counter-revolutionaries and "Minsaeng-dan" members who found their way into the ranks. The Japanese were responsible for the infiltration and were desiring to create bad blood among the revolutionaries.

The Great Leader warned against accusing someone of being "Minsaeng-dan" without any evidence to prove it. This was the desire of the Japanese, to create distrust among the revolutionaries. Also, he cautions against punishing those who were tricked into joining them but did not have a hand in their wicked acts should be brought to national and class consciousness through education and enlisted in the field of revolution. Kim Il Sung insightfully said the best way to test if someone was "Minsaeng-dan" was on the battlefield against the Japanese imperialists.

The time had come when the guerrilla zones served their purpose as strategic bases for the anti-Japanese struggle for several years. Now the time was at hand to follow up that success with a larger scale guerrilla operations beyond the limited guerrilla zones. This was the only way to deliver heavy political and military blows at the enemy with the support of broad sections of the Korean and Chinese peoples.


"The struggle against the "Minsaeng-dan" should be conducted in such a way as to isolate the enemy completely and cement the unity and solidarity of the revolutionary ranks so that the broad masses can firmly take the side of the revolution. This is the fundamental principle we consistently follow in this struggle"

"We should send into the enemy-ruled areas people who have been educated, awakened and revolutionized in the guerrilla bases. They will thus be able to exert revolutionary influence on the people there and rouse them to vigorous anti-Japanese struggles"

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